We will first have minyan at 9am, followed by a light morning brunch, followed by the showing of the documentary Nicky’s Family. Nicholas Winton, an Englishman organized the rescue of 669 Czech and Slovak children just before the outbreak of World War II. Winton, now 100+ years old, did not speak about these events with … Continue reading Men’s Club and Sisterhood Present “Nicky’s Family”, Sun., Feb. 22nd at 9 A.M.→
Sisterhood is excited to tell you that now you can order Mishloach Manot online! That’s right- this massive project has gone digital! To place your order, simply go to http://www.HappyPurim.com, enter your login code and the first three letters of your last name, and you’re ready to begin! If you don’t have a code, email … Continue reading Order Mishloach Manot Now at HappyPurim.com, Deadline is Wed., Feb. 18th at 11:45 P.M.→
Tot Shabbat, Jr. Congregation and NEW!!! Mini Minyan return. Shabbat Services for our younger members & their families. New!!! Mini Minyan led by Cantor Benjamin Kintisch for children ages 5 – 7 years w/their parents. Join us on Saturday, February 14th at 10:15 a.m.