Category Archives: Past Event

Order Mishloach Manot Now at, Deadline is Wed., Feb. 18th at 11:45 P.M.

Sisterhood is excited to tell you that now you can order Mishloach Manot online! That’s right- this massive project has gone digital!

To place your order, simply go to, enter your login code and the first three letters of your last name, and you’re ready to begin!

If you don’t have a code, email Jessica at

Let me tell you some wonderful news you will be happy to hear!

1. Ordering Mishloach Manot online is super easy!!
2. There is now a “donate my bag to charity” option (located at the bottom of the profile page)!
3. You can order extra Hamentashen!
4. If you are doubtful you can order online, I will help you!

Everything you know and love about Sisterhood’s Mishloach Manot is the same, we’re just trying to make a MASSIVE project a little more manageable. Sisterhood is still offering the “Queen Esther” sponsorship, still making extra bags for your friends, and still sending Mishloach Manot to your college student for free!

If you don’t think you can order online yourself, I will be at the temple on Feb 1st, 8th, and 15th, from 9:30 am-11:00 am to help you place your order. Just bring your credit card and know who you want to send to!

Thank you for your continued support of Sisterhood.