Category Archives: Past Event
Religious School Picnic, Sun., May 31st at 12:15 P.M. (right after school)
Come One, Come All to the TBEMC Religious School Picnic!
Celebrate the end of a school year with old friends and new.
This is a great chance for the kids to play with their classmates and for parents to continue getting to know each other. We’d especially like to welcome families in their first year at the religious school!
Please bring Frisbees, stomp-rockets, balls, etc.
Where: Unami Park, Lexington and South Union Avenue, Cranford (we’ll be in the playground area, in the middle of the park behind the tennis courts)
When: Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 12:15 p.m. (come right after religious school)
Rain cancels the picnic
Bring: your own entrée. We’ll share vegetarian kosher side dishes and desserts. Paper goods provided.
Please bring the items below if your last name starts with:
A-F = drinks
G-P = side dish (i.e. chips, pretzels, fruit)
R-Z = dessert
Cost: It’s free!
RSVP: via evite (coming soon) or email Debbie Kaplan at
Questions? Call Debbie at (908) 232-5498
Foundations of Jewish Family Living: Jewish Values for Parents to Share with Their Children, Sun., May 31st at 9:30 A.M.
Join Rabbi Goldstein, Sun., May 31 at 9:30 a.m. for an overview of an exciting new program that will begin here in the fall.
Get to know Melton Foundations
Meet other parents
Share bagels and coffee.
For information or to register call or email Deana Silverman 973-530-3536 or or Rabbi Goldstein at