Our Man of the Year is David Schwartz. David has been a member of our club since joining the Shul in the early 1970s. He has held many positions in our shul including Board of Education President, 1st,2nd and 3rd Vice President and is currently the High Holiday committee chairman. Our Youth of the Year … Continue reading The TBEMC Men’s Club is proud to announce our honorees for 5775. →
Join us throughout the weekend, October 24-26 for the installation celebrations in honor of Cantor Kintisch. Friday, October 24 6:30 pm Friday night service led by Cantor Kintisch Fall Harvest Dinner Sponsored (and cooked) by The Chesed Committee RSVP to John.Harris621@gmail.com by 10/21/2014 Saturday, October 25 Kiddush in Honor of Cantor Kintisch following Services Sunday, October … Continue reading Cantor Installation Weekend→
Please join us a TBEMC for an installment of the author tour sponsored by the Jewish Book Council. Rabbi Menachem Genack will discuss his book “Letters to President Clinton- Biblical Lessons on Faith and Leadership” With a foreword by President Clinton, this book is a collection of correspondence between Rabbi Genack and President Clinton, including divrei … Continue reading “Letters to President Clinton – Biblical Lessons on Faith and Leadership”→