Men’s Club “Break the Fast” Right After Yom Kippur Ends. Signup ENDED.
BREAK THE FAST WITH THE MEN’S CLUB AT TBEMC AT THE CLOSE OF YOM KIPPUR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 Adults 13 to 95: $16 pp Children 4 to 12: $8 pp Under 4 or over 95: Free No one is allowed without advanced paid reservations. Make reservations when you pick up your High Holiday tickets … Continue reading Men’s Club “Break the Fast” Right After Yom Kippur Ends. Signup ENDED.
Special Sisterhood Meeting, Thu., Sep. 10th at 7 P.M. SHARP in the Temple Library
Attention Sisterhood Members, Past Sisterhood Presidents and all women of TBEMC Please join us at a special meeting to help revitalize Sisterhood. Thursday, September 10 at 7 p.m. sharp in the Temple library. Thank you so much, Mollie Sperling and Sandi Sussman