Book Club: Philip Roth’s “Indignation” (2008) Tue., Sep. 27th After Minyan at 7:30 P.M.

Set in America in 1951, the second year of the Korean War, Indignation is narrated by Marcus Messner, a Jewish college student from Newark, New Jersey, who describes his sophomore year at Winesburg College in Ohio. Marcus transfers to Winesburg from Robert Treat College in Newark to escape his father, a kosher butcher, who appears … Continue reading Book Club: Philip Roth’s “Indignation” (2008) Tue., Sep. 27th After Minyan at 7:30 P.M.

Apple Picking, Melick Family Town Farm, Sun., Sep. 25th at 2 P.M.

Join TBEMC as we go on our annual apple picking at Melick’s Farm in Oldwick, NJ. For more information, contact Heidi Farber at or 973-420-4998 Where and When Melick’s Family Town Farm 19 King Street Oldwick, NJ 08858 Directions: Take I-78 to Exit 24. Follow Rt. 523/517 North 1 mile into the town of … Continue reading Apple Picking, Melick Family Town Farm, Sun., Sep. 25th at 2 P.M.

Sisterhood Meeting, Tue., Sep. 20th at 8 P.M. Meet Rabbi David Klatzker and Cantor Frank Lanzkron-Tamarazo

All women are invited to the first Sisterhood gathering of the year in the Social Hall at TBEMC. Tuesday, September 20th at 8:00 P.M. Meet and greet out new clergy: Rabbi David Klatzker and Cantor Frank Lanzkron-Tamarazo Join together as we begin celebrating TBEMC and its 100th year anniversary. Refreshments will be served Meeting is … Continue reading Sisterhood Meeting, Tue., Sep. 20th at 8 P.M. Meet Rabbi David Klatzker and Cantor Frank Lanzkron-Tamarazo