Men’s Club Annual Family Thanksgiving Event, Sun., Nov. 20th at Noon
This annual family event, sponsored by Men’s Club, is a community favorite. Free bingo, plus hot dogs, knishes and a Kindle to one lucky raffle winner. Bring a can of food to donate to the local food bank. Event is at noon, just after Religious School.
Cantor Frank Lanzkron Tamarazo’s Installation Weekend, Fri., Nov. 18th thru Sun., Nov. 20th
Friday evening dinner Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon Sunday Afternoon Installation 3:30 pm Dessert reception following Friday Evening Dinner $18 per person over age 10 $6 per person ages 5-10; Children 4 and under free $36 per couple $45 family of 4 (2 adults, 2 children under 10, additional children under 10 are $6) $54 family of … Continue reading Cantor Frank Lanzkron Tamarazo’s Installation Weekend, Fri., Nov. 18th thru Sun., Nov. 20th