CPR and automatic defibrillator (AED) instruction will take place on Sunday, January 11th. Space is limited so sign up now to reserve a spot.
The fee is $45, which includes the Red Cross certification card. The class is includes the highest level of instruction below what health care workers receive. It includes AED/defibrillator training.
To register, please email Susan at office@tbemc.org and then send your $45 check made out to Cranford First Aid Squad, to the TBEMC office at 338 Walnut, Cranford, NJ 07016.
Shabbat Services for our younger members & their families.
Mini Minyan led by Cantor Benjamin Kintisch for children ages 1 – 6 years w/their parents
This is a participatory, child-friendly and age-appropriate service that combines singing, praying, creative movement, stories, dancing, and discussion.
Jr. Congregation for children ages 7 – 13 years
This service includes more traditional Hebrew prayer, as well as targeted skill-building, chances for children to hone their skills and lead t’fillot.
Join Sisterhood for a night out of frozen yogurt and coffee at Bohemian Raspberry (219 South Avenue East in Westfield) on Wednesday, January 7th at 7 P.M.