Category Archives: Past Event

Relive Our 2022 Spring Celebration

Please join us for our Virtual Spring Gala on Sunday, June 12 from 11 am to 12 noon.

Mazel Tov to Our Honorees:

Volunteers of the Year Award – Judy and David Kupferberg

Past President Award – Stephen Solomon z”l

Young Leadership Award – Leah Davidson 

Tikkun Olam – Abbie and Howard Halperin

Many thanks to all of our honorees for your dedication to your TBEMC family.

View our 2022 Spring Celebration site to add your support.

Photos from Our Solidarity Vigil

February 6, 2002 — It was great to see so many stand in solidarity at our vigil against hate, prejudice, and anti-Semitism, and in support of the Jewish community of Colleyville, Texas.

Thank you to the Cranford community, our members, Mayor Kathleen Miller Prunty, the Cranford Clergy Council, Chief of Police Ryan Greco, Superintendent Scott Rubin, members of the Cranford Unity Project, and other township leaders for making clear that hate is not welcome here in Cranford. Your allyship is greatly appreciated!

Thanks also to TapInto Cranford and Cranford Monthly for featuring our event.

Cranford Mayor Kathleen Miller Prunty spoke.
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Photos from Hanukkah

Some highlights from our Hanukkah celebrations at TBEMC and in the Cranford community.

Hanukkah at TBEMC
TBEMC's new outdoor menorah, generously donated by Shari Kopla and Marty Metzger.
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We appreciate this write-up that was published by TapInto Cranford and Cranford Monthly:

Cranford Becomes a Festival of Lights for Hanukkah
Temple Beth-El Mekor Chayim (TBEMC) helps lead the community celebrations

Cranford celebrated Hanukkah this past week, with multiple events that brought light and joy to the township.

Temple Beth El Mekor Chayim (TBEMC) held a family community Hanukkah party on its front lawn Tuesday night, drawing a crowd of more than 125 for dancing, donuts, and the lighting of the temple’s new outdoor menorah. Local DJ The Spinners kept the crowd moving with Hanukkah music, pop songs and games. “We really wanted to invite the community to share in our holiday traditions,” said Jessica Suckerman, who co-chaired the event with Andrew Feldman and TBEMC Rabbi Paul Kerbel. “We loved seeing so many people celebrate with us.”

On Wednesday night, The Union County Torah Center-Chabad held its annual menorah lighting downtown by the gazebo. Rabbi Levi Block of Chabad said the tradition dates back more than 20 years. Mayor Kathleen Miller Prunty lit the first candle, followed by Rabbi Kerbel leading the audience in the traditional Hanukkah prayers. Following the lighting, a festive hora dance broke out, with Cranford Police Department chief Ryan Greco among the participants. Guests then enjoyed the customary sufganiyot (jelly donuts).

“We were thrilled to light our brand new Cranford Hanukkah menorah this year. The previous one was so well used we needed to replace it, and we thank all the Cranford residents who contributed towards it.” said Rabbi Block. “We have a long tradition of celebrating Hanukkah together with the Cranford community, and we look forward to this every year.”

Several local businesses commemorated the holiday. Pastosa Ravioli kicked off the season with a Hanukkah canned food drive on November 21st, with Rabbi Kerbel greeting and thanking donors in person. Other businesses like Sweet ‘n Fancy Emporium offered Hanukkah-themed products, while Track 5 Coffee donated hot cocoa to TBEMC’s party.

“Downtown Cranford strives to host events that bring our community together while also supporting our local businesses that are the heart of our downtown.” said Caren Demyen, Downtown Cranford Director. “In 2020 we did a dreidel and menorah painting class with Fire Me Up Studio to celebrate Hanukkah, and it went so well that we wanted to add more activities. Many of our businesses were thrilled to be part of the festivities, and we were happy to partner with other organizations in town.”

The Jewish holidays are based on a lunar calendar, and Hanukkah came early this year, right after Thanksgiving and concluding at sundown on Monday the 6th.

“Hanukkah is a holiday that reflects on Jewish traditions and values, but at the same time, is a universal holiday that teaches religious freedom, sensitivity to our country’s many minorities, and the promotion of diversity and equality.” said Rabbi Kerbel. “TBEMC has been part of the Cranford community for more than 100 years, and we are honored to share our traditions with our friends and neighbors here. Seeing people gather together smiling and dancing was wonderful. We appreciate that our Cranford community is always willing to support us and these celebrations.”