Category Archives: Past Event

Pesah 5777 / Passover 2017

Pesah 5777 (Passover 2017) will start the evening of Monday 14 April and end on the evening of Tuesday 22 April.


  • The calendar of events for Pesah 5777 at TBEMC.
  • To make sure that our homes are free of hametz (leavened products), we sell any hametz that remains in our homes.  If you would like Rabbi Klatzker to act as your agent for doing so, we have provided two versions of the authorization form that you can download:
    • PDF version, to fill out by hand, and return to TBEMC
    • Word version, which you can fill out electronically and then return to TBEMC
  • B’diqat hametz and biur hametz make up  a ceremonial “search and destroy hametz” mission, which takes place in the home on Sunday night, 13 April.  The procedure for doing this may be found in many siddurim, or you can download a PDF file that has the instructions.
  • The JVillage Pesah guide