Category Archives: Past Event

Men’s Club “Break the Fast” Right After Yom Kippur Ends, Wed., Oct. 12th. Reservations Required.

The Men’s Club continues our tradition of a full Break-the-Fast meal following Yom Kippur

Join Us
following the final sounding of the Shofar on


$13.00 per person for13 years old or older
$6.00 for children under 13 years old
Children 5 years old or under eat free

Make reservations prior to or when you pick up your High Holiday tickets
Or Contact
Dave Salomon at (908) 272-5444
or email at
Make your checks payable to: Men’s Club of TBEMC
All checks must be received no later than September 29, 2016
Reservations are required

Book Club: Philip Roth’s “Indignation” (2008) Tue., Sep. 27th After Minyan at 7:30 P.M.

Set in America in 1951, the second year of the Korean War, Indignation is narrated by Marcus Messner, a Jewish college student from Newark, New Jersey, who describes his sophomore year at Winesburg College in Ohio. Marcus transfers to Winesburg from Robert Treat College in Newark to escape his father, a kosher butcher, who appears to have become consumed with fear about the dangers of adult life, the world, and the uncertainty that awaits his son.

At Winesburg College, Marcus becomes infatuated with a fellow student, Olivia Hutton, a survivor of a suicide attempt. The sexually inexperienced Marcus is bewildered when Olivia performs fellatio on him during their one and only date. Marcus’ mother objects to his dating someone who attempted suicide and makes him vow to end their relationship.

Marcus has an adversarial relationship with the dean of men, Hawes Caudwell. In a meeting in Dean Caudwell’s office, Marcus objects to the chapel attendance requirement on the grounds that he is an atheist. In this meeting, he quotes extensively from Bertrand Russell‘s essay “Why I Am Not a Christian“. Later, the dean finds Marcus guilty of hiring another student to attend chapel in his place; when Marcus refuses to attend double the number of chapel services as punishment, the dean expels him. His expulsion allows the U.S. Army to draft him and send him to fight in Korea where he is killed in combat. Early in the novel, Marcus explains that he is dead and telling his story from the afterlife; later it is revealed that he is unconscious from his combat wounds and the morphine that has been administered.

The Winesburg setting is an homage to Sherwood Anderson‘s book Winesburg, Ohio.