Men’s Club World Wide Wrap, Sun., Feb. 1st at 9 A.M.

The World Wide Wrap is a signature program of FJMC (Federation of Jewish Men’s Club) focusing on a unique ritual imbued with story and metaphor that spans ages and generations. Sponsored by our Men’s Club in cooperation with the TBEMC Religious School, the event aims to introduce adults and children alike to the special ritual … Continue reading Men’s Club World Wide Wrap, Sun., Feb. 1st at 9 A.M.

Tu B’Shvat Community Seder and Tree Celebration, Sun., Feb. 1st

Come celebrate Tu B’shvat, the celebration of the trees, with the whole TBEMC family. We will begin with an ecology-themed community sing-along. We will have read-alouds of favorite tree-themed stories. At noon, we will have a Tu B’Shvat seder open to the entire Temple community. Weather permitting, we will travel together to one of the … Continue reading Tu B’Shvat Community Seder and Tree Celebration, Sun., Feb. 1st