Religious School Picnic, Sun., Jun. 5th at 12:15 P.M. (right after school)

Come One, Come All to the TBEMC Religious School Picnic! Celebrate the end of a school year with old friends and new. This is a great chance for the kids to play with their classmates and for parents to continue getting to know each other. We’d especially like to welcome families in their first year … Continue reading Religious School Picnic, Sun., Jun. 5th at 12:15 P.M. (right after school)

Religious School Shabbat Family Dinner, Fri. Jun. 3rd After 6:30 P.M. Services

On Friday June 3, we will host our final special family shabbat service with a dinner to follow. We will be celebrating our 6th and 7th grade students, who are invited to lead parts of the service. However, in the spirit of communal celebration, all of our TBEMC Religious School families are invited to join … Continue reading Religious School Shabbat Family Dinner, Fri. Jun. 3rd After 6:30 P.M. Services