Category Archives: Past Event

High Holidays 2014 – 5775

Shana Tova!  Best Wishes for a Sweet New Year!

To register for tickets, download the Master Registration Form.


SELICHOT Saturday night, Sept. 20 8:30 PM
ROSH HASHANAHWednesday, Sept. 24
Thursday, Sept. 25
Friday, Sept. 26
6:30 PM
8:45 AM
5:45 PM
8:45 AM
6:15 PM
SHABBAT SHUVAHSaturday, Sept. 27
9:30 AM
12 Noon
YOM KIPPUR (KOL NIDRE)Friday, Oct. 3 (Mincha)
5:45 PM
6:15 PM
YOM KIPPUR DAYSaturday, Oct. 4
Rabbi’s Discussion
Final Shofar
8:45 AM
4:15 PM
5:15 PM
7:15 PM

Listed above is the schedule of services for the 5775 High Holiday Season. We look forward to celebrating together and welcoming in the New Year. Included in this mailing is information to inform and assist you in preparing for these days.  Please be sure to read the instructions carefully and complete the requested information by August 25, 2014.


In order to provide you additional options for getting you High Holiday Tickets, you may have your tickets mailed to you if by August 15, 2014, you have paid your dues in full or made arrangements for automatic withdrawal of your dues from your checking account or credit card and you have made a pledge for the 5775 Annual Campaign.  Those requesting tickets by mail must have their Temple accounts in order, and should fill out the enclosed pledge card for the Annual Campaign and your request for additional family member tickets to the Temple, if applicable.

Congregants who have not made arrangements by August 15, 2014 are required to pick up their tickets at the Temple on the dates listed below. Please do not send anyone else to pick up your tickets.  No tickets will be released by mail or in person unless all prior balances are paid in full and firm arrangements have been made for payment of this year’s obligations. For both security reasons and financial reasons no one will be admitted on the holidays without a ticket.  If you forget your tickets on the Holiday, an officer of the Temple will be required to verify your identity and that you have made appropriate arrangements in advance.   The Cranford Police Officer who is at the door for our security has been instructed not to admit you otherwise.

Ticket distribution will be on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, September 10    7 PM – 9 PM
  • Sunday, September 14   9:30 AM to – 11:30 AM
  •  Tuesday, September 16     7 PM – 9 PM

Please bring the enclosed pledge card with you when you pick up your tickets.  You must be up to date on your Temple accounts, including Building Fund, to receive tickets.  Your current (2014-15) dues must be paid in full or 1/3 of your dues must be paid with an arrangement with the Temple to allow for automatic withdrawal of the balance on a monthly or quarterly basis so that you are paid in full by June 15, 2015.  Please call Rachel Schwartz, 908-868-6746 if you have questions.  She or a member of her team will be available to help you set up your payment plan at ticket pickup.  Bring a (voided) check from the account you wish to use.


Tickets for TBEMC full members, children, and young adults under age 25 are free. Extra tickets are required for adults (over 25) and other relatives who may be accompanying you to our services. (Please see attached form)


Associate membership does not provide High Holiday tickets, but associates may purchase tickets for a modest donation, as shown on the ticket form. (Please see attached form)


Complimentary tickets are available for relatives who belong to another Temple affiliated with United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Your family member must have their Temple fax or email a letter to TBEMC in order to receive this benefit. Reciprocity forms must be taken care of by the Temple Office, please complete this form and return by August 25, 2014.


The Annual Campaign provides essential fundraising for our TBEMC community.  Your participation in the Annual Campaign is

a  tangible statement of your commitment to sustaining our community and helps us bridge the gap between dues and the revenue we need to operate all year. Enclosed you will find a letter and pledge card with return envelope from the Annual Campaign Committee. We ask you to be generous with your donation.  Each year we come close to 100% membership participation.  Contributions will be recognized on our posted Honor Roll.


Honors of several types are available during the High Holiday services:  to be called up for an Aliyah during the Torah reading; to lift (Hagba’ah)of dress (G’lilah) the Torah after it has been read.  Hagba’ah and G’lilah do not require the participant to recite a prayer.  Yet another important honor is carrying one of the Torahs in the procession to the Bima at Kol Nidre.  Although past tradition has been that donations to the Annual Campaign are required for High Holiday honors, honors will be awarded based on a combination of volunteer work for the Temple and the generosity of donors.

Another available honor is the P’ticha, the opening or closing of the ark. P’tichot are awarded by the Presidents to thank individuals who have provided valuable service and support to the Temple.  You will be notified by mail of your opportunity to come to the Ark.

It is traditional for men and women to cover their heads; when coming up on to the bima for an honor. Men are encouraged to  wear a tallit and women are welcome to wear one as well.


Sisterhood provides juice and fruit in the lobby every year.  The Men’s Club will also continue the tradition of a full  Break-the-Fast meal following Yom Kippur.

Break the Fast with the Men’s Club at TBEMC at the Close of Yom Kippur Saturday, October 4, 2014.

Adults 13 to 95: $16 pp  | Children 4 to 12: $8 pp | Under 4 or over 95: Free

No one is allowed without advanced paid reservations.  Make reservations when you pick up your High Holiday tickets or

call Les Rosenblum at 908-272-6387.Make your checks payable to the Men’s Club of TBEMC & return no later than

September 29. Paid Reservations are a MUST. Reserved tables of 8 or more are available.


As usual we will provide supervised activities for the youngest members of our Temple family for the High Holidays   (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur).  Children are welcome at our main services at all times, but we also provide them with useful and significant activities geared to their age groups:

  • 1st and 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah: 10:30 – 11:30 AM, Jr. Congregation Service 8 – 12 yr. olds
  • NEW!!!!!!   1st and 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah: Family Service, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM,  3 – 7 yr. olds with parents
  • Baby Sitting available on RH, day 1, RH, day 2 and Yom Kippur for ages 1-7 (10 AM until conclusion of services)

For families requesting babysitting, please complete the attached form, so we may properly staff the babysitting room with the correct number of sitters.  In contrast to previous years, the High Holiday committee has decided not to charge for babysitting. We felt that the goodwill and community building for young families, particularly prospective families, was more important to our community than any potential revenue.

Note that Kosher snacks and drinks will be provided for children following each of the services (including Yom Kippur for the youngest ones).  Please do not send any food.  Parents are requested to escort their child(ren) back to the Sanctuary when the youth program is completed.


It is important to maintain ties with our young college age members, not only those who may be away at school, but also those who may be residing in the community or nearby.  Please make sure to provide us with the information we need to be in contact with your young adults.  Help us keep our young adults in contact with Jewish traditions, ideas, and activities.(Please see attached form)

Blood Drive—July 23

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 from 3:30 PM to 8:00 PM 
Cranford, NJ

Help save a life. Many time slots still available.

For more information, contact Marty Metzger at 908-276-7607.

Where and When

338 Walnut Ave
Cranford, NJ 07016

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 from 3:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Annual TBEMC Family BBQ — July 27

Sunday, July 27, 2014 from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM 
Cranford, NJ

We’re hosting a summer barbecue and you’re all invited! Cold drinks, food off the grill, crafts for kids, outdoor games and more! All members & prospective members are welcome.

A donation of $18 pp or $36 per family is greatly appreciated to defray costs.

RSVP to 908-276-9231 or

Please volunteer some time to help the day of the BBQ by calling Lance Kandl at 908-653-0527.

Where and When

338 Walnut Ave
Cranford, NJ 07016

Sunday, July 27, 2014 from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM (EDT)