Category Archives: Past Event

“Java and Jeans” a New Alternate Shabbat Service, Sat., Apr. 4th at 9:30 A.M.

Do you have questions about Jewish prayer that you have never been able to ask? Are you seeking a deeper meaning behind the prayers? Join us for JAVA AND JEANS, where you can learn about prayer, capped off with lively discussion over coffee while
wearing your favorite pair of jeans.

This alternate service will meet on the following Shabbat mornings, with childcare provided:

February 28th, April 4th, May 2nd and June 6 at 9:30 a.m.

Sell your chametz! Online form now available! Deadline EXTENDED to Wed., Apr. 1st at 10 A.M.

Please read the statement below and fill in your name and address. The Rabbi (or his agent) will sell your chametz at the appropriate time. If you’d like to make a donation, you can do so below as well.

Delegation of Power to Sell Chametz
I hereby empower and authorize Rabbi Benjamin Goldstein or his agent to act on my behalf to sell all chametz of whatever kind and nature possessed by me, knowingly or unknowingly, wherever it may be (home, place of business, or elsewhere). Rabbi Goldstein has full right to sell, dispose, conduct all transactions as deemed fit and proper and for such time that is believed necessary, in accordance with the detailed terms and detailed forms explained in the Jewish contracts in his possession, and to lease all places where this chametz may be found. The power hereby given is meant to conform to all Torah and Rabbinic regulations to meet the requirements of Jewish law and civil law and will be in effect for all of Pesach, which begins this year with sundown on Friday, April 3, 2015, and runs through Saturday, April 11, 2015 at 8:15 p.m. To the above I agree without qualification or reservation.

AARP Driver Safety Course

The AARP Driver Saftey Course takes place over two days, 3 hours each day. There will be two courses:

  • Tuesday, March 10th/Wednesday, March 11th from 9:30 A.M. until 12:30 P.M.
  • Wednesday, March 25th/Thursday, March 26th from 6:30 P.M. until 9:30 P.M.

Each refresher course is designed to assess and refine one’s driving skills. Completion of the course entitles you to a 5% discount on the major portion of your insurance premiums for a period of three consecutive years at which time it must be repeated in order to maintain the discount.  Two violation points will also be deducted from your Motor Vehicle record, if applicable.

The cost is $15 per AARP member and $20 per non-member.  Make your check payable to “AARP” and bring it with you to the first session you attend.

To register for a course: call Liela at 908-233-0058 between 7:30PM and 10:00PM Monday through Thursday or e-mail