Do you have questions about Jewish prayer that you have never been able to ask? Are you seeking a deeper meaning behind the prayers? Join us for JAVA AND JEANS, where you can learn about prayer, capped off with lively discussion over coffee while wearing your favorite pair of jeans.
Category Archives: Past Event
Sisterhood Wine Tasting Event at Rosie’s Wine Bar, Sun., Feb. 21st, 3 P.M. – 6 P.M.
TBEMC Sisterhood invites you (& your friends) to a Pre-Passover wine tasting event
Rosie’s Wine Bar
514 North Avenue in Garwood across from the Shopright
Sunday, February 21, 2016
3-6pm Cost $18 per person
Dairy refreshments will be provided by Rosie’s
(and a % of your wine order amount will be donated to TBEMC Sisterhood)
Please make your reservations before February 14
by emailing Devorah Wolf at
or send your reservation and check to
TBEMC, 338 Walnut Ave, Cranford, NJ 07016.
Call Sandy Springer at 908-507-3291 if you have any questions.
Parents’ Night Off/Kids Game Night. Drop off the kids at TBEMC for sports, crafts and pizza while you get a few hours off, 6:30-9. $5/kid. RSVP by Feb 4
After weeks of waking kids up for school, making lunches, chauffeuring them to every activity, begging them to finish homework and bargaining for them to take maybe one shower for the entire week, parents need a night off.
TBEMC is happy to offer parents a “Hall Pass” for a few hours on Saturday Night February 6. Take in a movie (that’s not animated and rated G), go to a restaurant (which doesn’t serve chicken fingers), or just kick off your shoes, relax and watch a TV show that’s not on the Disney Channel!
On February 6 TBEMC will offer its first (of many we hope) Parents Night Off / Kids Game Night. You just drop off your kids at 6:30 pm in the Social Hall for an evening of pizza, drinks, dodgeball, basketball and indoor soccer. For the little ones, we’ll have arts and crafts. Any kids of religious school age are welcome. Pick-up time is 9:00 pm sharp (any kids remaining in the Social Hall after 9:00 pm will be sold on EBay).
The cost is only $5.00 per child. If you are interested, please RSVP by January 15 by emailing Jay Berger at All payments can be made at the TBEMC office.
If you have an older high school or college age child that’s willing to help (and we need the help), please email Jay.