In 2017, TBEMC will be celebrating its 100th year, a significant milestone. The kick-off event to the century celebration, “99 Years of Volunteers”, was held on Tuesday, April 5, 2016. We hope that you will join us at the exquisite Crystal Plaza in Livingston (305 W. Northfield Rd) for an evening which will include a fabulous smorgasbord with an open bar, followed by a delicious dessert.
TBEMC has many people to thank for its longevity and we will be honoring some of them during the course of the next year. On April 5, we will be toasting several members of our community who epitomize the volunteer spirit: Patty & Art Werschulz, Rachel & Craig Schwartz, Zachary Roy, and Max Kopla, as they represent volunteers of varying age groups and capacities throughout our synagogue.
Whether or not you intend to attend the party, we hope to entice you and your friends to help us celebrate TBEMC’s 99th year, as well as to pay tribute to our honorees, by taking out an ad in our ad journal or by making a donation to TBEMC.